Product Code : 2366
Product information
25 Bulbs of each variety listed (individually packed)
25 English Bluebells (Scilla Non-scripta)
Bluebells prefer a moisture-retentive, humus-rich, woodland type soil. The site should be well-drained, cool and shady, but it shouldn’t dry out in summer. Most soils benefit from the incorporation before planting of a good quantity of well decomposed leaf mould or leaf-litter.
25 Single Snowdrops (Galanthus Nivalis)
For many gardeners snowdrops herald the end of winter. They are extraordinarily hardy and can be depended on to flower very early whatever the weather - the colder and gloomier it is, the longer the blooms last, but in a sunny warm season they are comparatively fleeting, so always plant in light shade. They grow in most soils, but make the best plants in heavier moist soils.
25 Crocus (mixed)
Crocus are ideal for naturalising and look wonderful in large drifts. Alternatively they can be grown in a pot or pan, topped with grit, so that the delicate blooms can be admired at close quarters.
25 Winter Aconites (Eryanthis Hyemalis)
Aconites prefer a light, woodland type soil. The site should be well-drained, cool and in partial shade. They first appear here and there in the sunniest spots, sometimes at the turn of the year, but soon become a carpet of pure golden yellow, just as the first snowdrops begin to bloom.
Picture shows:-
Top: Bluebells, Snowdrops,
Bottom: Crocus, Aconites.
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