Aconite Bulbs Eranthis Hyemalis - Aconite Corms

Aconite Bulbs (Eranthis Hyemalis)

Aconite Bulbs (Eranthis Hyemalis)
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Product Code : 2486

Product information

Aconites prefer a light, woodland type soil. The site should be well-drained, cool and in partial shade. They first appear here and there in the sunniest spots, sometimes at the turn of the year, but soon become a carpet of pure golden yellow, just as the first snowdrops begin to bloom.
Plant bulbs approx. 4cm deep in small clumps of 4 - 12. When the clumps become dense, lift and separate after flowering whilst still in leaf.
Grows to approximately 8cm.
Flowers between Early January and Early March.

Supplied in the green.

Pack size

From £5.95
(Our Price)
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