Allium Bulbs - Flower Bulbs - Autumn Planting
Allium Atropurpureum - Pack of 10

Allium Atropurpureum - Pack of 5 (2987)

A. atropurpureum is a hardy perennial bulb, up to 60cm tall, with strap-shaped green leaves. Deep purple-red flowers, packed into a half-sphere shape up to 5cm across, are borne on upright stems in late spring and early summer.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Giganteum

Allium Giganteum - Pack of 1 (2700)

One of the tallest of the allium species, the spectacular ball-shaped blooms are made up of masses of tiny bright purple flowers and have a diameter of at least 20cm (8"). The airy spheres of bloom are followed by architectural seedheads that create a spectacular autumn display. Undemanding and easy to grow, these magnificent, long lasting allium flowers are also excellent for cutting.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: Date TBC

Allium Globemaster

Allium Globemaster - Pack of 5 (190)

These hardy bulbs are becoming more and more popular in architectural and formal planting plus the long lasting flowers are ideal for cutting. Plant 20cm deep 20cm apart 25 per sq metre.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Moly (luteum)

Allium Moly (luteum) - Pack of 25 (131)

A charming plant from dry hills in southern Europe, producing many-flowered umbels of glistening yellow, vaguely bell-shaped flowers with prominently protruding stamens in early summer.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Mount Everest - Pack of 5

Allium Mount Everest - Pack of 5 (2743)

'Mount Everest' produces big, white, perfectly round heads of flowers.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Neopoliatum

Allium Neopoliatum cowanii - Pack of 25 (132)

A charming plant from dry hills in southern Europe, producing many-flowered umbels of glistening white, vaguely bell-shaped flowers with prominently protruding stamens in early summer.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Oreophilum

Allium Oreophilum - Pack of 25 (133)

Allium oreophilum is a lovely bulbous perennial which produces loose heads of bright pink to purple flowers in early summer. Plant bulbs 5cm to 10cm (2in to 4in) deep in autumn in well-drained soil in a sunny spot.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Allium Purple Sensation

Allium Purple Sensation - Pack of 25 (2699)

These hardy bulbs are becoming more and more popular in architectural and formal planting plus the long lasting flowers are ideal for cutting. Plant 20cm deep 20cm apart 25 per sq metre.
Pre-order now to reserve yours, back in stock: 01/09/2025

Wild Garlic - Allium Ursinum

Wild Garlic, Ramsons - Allium Ursinum (2698)

Wild garlic grows abundantly throughout the UK, preferring semi-shade under trees. It will succeed in most soils and prefers moist conditions, though it will also succeed where the soil is very wet in the winter. When given suitable conditions, it will form a dense carpet of growth. The plant comes into growth in the middle to late winter, flowers in the spring and then dies down completely by the middle of summer.
Price : From £4.40
Purchase options
300 Woodland Flower Bulb Collection

Woodland Flower Bulbs Collection - 3 native species (2367)

100 Bulbs of each variety listed (individually packed)
100 English Bluebells (Scilla Non-scripta)
100 Snowdrops (Single - Galanthus Nivalis)
100 Wild Garlic (allium ursinum).
Supplied in the green.