Woodland Bulb Mix in the green 4 native species - Wildflower bulbs in the green Collections

Woodland Bulb Mix in the green - 4 native species

Woodland Bulb Mix (in the green)
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Product Code : 9001

Product information

100 Bulbs in the green of each variety listed (individually packed)

100 English Bluebells in the green (Scilla Non-scripta)
Bluebells prefer a moisture-retentive, humus-rich, woodland type soil. The site should be well-drained, cool and shady, but it shouldn"t dry out in summer. Most soils benefit from the incorporation before planting of a good quantity of well decomposed leaf mould or leaf-litter.

100 Single Snowdrops in the green (Galanthus Nivalis)
For many gardeners snowdrops herald the end of winter. They are extraordinarily hardy and can be depended on to flower very early whatever the weather - the colder and gloomier it is, the longer the blooms last, but in a sunny warm season they are comparatively fleeting, so always plant in light shade. They grow in most soils, but make the best plants in heavier moist soils.

100 Wild Garlic in the green (Allium Ursinum)
Wild garlic grows abundantly throughout the UK, preferring semi-shade under trees. It will succeed in most soils and prefers moist conditions, though it will also succeed where the soil is very wet in the winter. When given suitable conditions, it will form a dense carpet of growth. The plant comes into growth in the middle to late winter, flowers in the spring and then dies down completely by the middle of summer. This allows many other plants that come into growth in spring to grow in the same space.

100 Winter Aconites in the green (Eryanthis Hyemalis)
Aconites prefer a light, woodland type soil. The site should be well-drained, cool and in partial shade. They first appear here and there in the sunniest spots, sometimes at the turn of the year, but soon become a carpet of pure golden yellow, just as the first snowdrops begin to bloom.

Picture shows:-
Top: Bluebells, Snowdrops,
Bottom: Wild Garlic, Aconites.

Kit Items

This product is a kit item and contains the following products
Snowdrops in the green - Single Galant

Snowdrops in the green - Single Galanthus Nivalis - 100 Bulbs in the green

Qty: 1
Product code : 2593/SGN100B
Bluebells in the green English (UK)%

Bluebells in the green English (UK) - Hyacinthoides non-scripta - 100 Bulbs in the green

Qty: 1
Product code : 2596/BH100B
Aconites in the green (Eranthis Hyemalis)

Aconites in the green - 100 Bulbs in the green

Qty: 1
Product code : 2598/AEH100B
Wild Garlic in the green - Allium Ursinum

Wild Garlic in the green - Allium Ursinum - 100 Bulbs in the green

Qty: 1
Product code : 2595/WGAU/100B

Our Price £84.95
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